FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to connect to the City's sewer system?

New or expanded facilities that discharge sewage must connect to the City's sewer system at the owner's expense unless the property is more than one thousand feet from the nearest adequate public sanitary sewer main.

How do I start or stop Municipal Sewer Service?

To start service, fill out the online Start Service form.
To stop service, fill out the online Stop Service form.

If you have any questions, please contact the City's Finance Department at 503-674-7225.

How do I connect to the City's sewer main?

Connections to the City's sewer system are made by private contractors employed by the person or firm desiring the connection. The work is inspected by City personnel. The first step is to complete a Public Works Permit application and submit it to the Permit Specialist at the Community Development offices. The work must be performed in compliance with the City's "Construction Standards for Public Works Facilities."

Who is responsible for a blocked sewer line?

The property owner is responsible for the sewer line (often referred to as a "lateral") from the house or business to the sewer main, usually located near the middle of the street. The City is responsible for the sewer mains. A blockage in the lateral must be corrected by the property owner, either personally or by hiring one of the many private firms engaged in this type of work. Many such firms can be found online under "Plumbing Contractors", “Sewer Contractors", or similar terms. A blockage in a City main should be reported by calling 503-674-3300 during normal business hours or 503-251-4163 outside normal business hours. 

For more information please refer to the City of Troutdale Utility Service Lines Responsibility Guide

Wastewater Services FAQs

Can I flush my dog’s poop down the toilet?

This is a bit of a complex question. On a basic level, dog poop is not a problem for the wastewater treatment plant, or the city’s sewer system. 

But here’s where it gets tricky. Any bag – including those fancy, lavender-scented biodegradable poop bags – ARE a problem. They don’t break down nearly as quickly as you might think and they can clog up pipes and the sewer system.

Even without the bag, it might not be a good idea. The internal piping in the toilet (the s-shaped loop) and the pipes inside your home are choke points that could cause a messy and expensive backup. It might be fine in small amounts, but if your dog is large… woof. That could be a problem.

And definitely, Definitely, DEFINITELY do not flush dog poop down a public toilet. It’s about being considerate. Public toilets are for everyone to use. And remember that someone has to clean that up.

Your best bet is to pick up dog poop in a bag and toss it in the garbage.   

Who should I contact for issues regarding my proposed or existing septic tank?

Septic system tanks and drainfields are regulated by the Department of Environmental Quality. In the Portland metro area, this regulatory function is delegated to the City of Portland. Contact the City of Portland Bureau of Development Services by calling 503-823-6892.

Can I dump hazardous wastes down a drain, into my toilet, or into a storm drain?

No! Hazardous wastes must be disposed of at appropriate facilities.

Where does the wastewater go to after it is treated in the Water Pollution Control Facility?

The treated wastewater is discharged to the Sandy River in accordance with the terms of an NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit issued by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.

Where do the solids go after they are treated in the Water Pollution Control Facility?

The inert bio-solids are land applied to fields growing crops not for human consumption (such as hay fields, nurseries, tree farms, etc.) under conditions established by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and with the permission of the land owner involved.

What is a UIC and when do I have to register a UIC?

UIC stands for Underground Injection Control and refers to certain types of facilities that discharge storm water into the ground, such as drywells, soakage trenches, infiltration galleries, etc.  UIC’s are defined by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and regulated by DEQ in conjunction with the City.  See DEQ’s UIC fact sheet for more information.