Xpress Bill Pay is a free service provided to City of Troutdale utility customers. It is secure, easy to use, and allows you to set up options such as autopay, paperless billing, and pay-by-phone.
To begin, click on the Xpress Bill Pay logo below and fill-out the required information. All you need is your utility customer account number, your name as it appears on your bill and an email address to process payments online. You can make a payment from your checking or savings account or with a debit or credit card that has a Visa or MasterCard logo.
If you are looking to start or stop your water service, please click here to find the online forms.
IMPORTANT: If you are paying to get water service restored, you must contact the utility clerk at 503-674-7232 after you complete your online payment to schedule turn-on of water service. Payment must be received by 4:00 p.m. in order to get water service restored the same day.
You can log on and pay an amount of your choice from an account of your choice each month or set-up to pay automatically from one account. If you choose to sign-up for the automatic payment method, you pick the day of the month most convenient and we will do the rest. Your water and sewer bill will be deducted on the day you select, automatically, each and every month. Of course you will still receive a utility bill either in the U.S. mail or via email prior to the selected payment date, giving you plenty of time to review all charges.
IMPORTANT: If you move and terminate service, you should go online and disable the autopay function.
Paperless Billing
You can now sign up for paperless billing through Xpress Bill Pay by following a few easy steps.
If you already have an Xpress Bill Pay Account:
Step 1: Go to www.xpressbillpay.com and log in
Step 2: Click “View Bill” under the account you would like to be paperless
Step 3: Locate the “Paperless (Off)” button
Step 4: Click the button to turn “Paperless (On)”
To register and sign up for paperless:
Step 1: Go to www.xpressbillpay.com
Step 2: Click “Sign Up” on the top of the screen
Step 3: Fill in your email and password, then click in the “I’m not a robot” box and follow prompts
Step 4: Complete the short registration form and click “Next”
Step 5: Go to your inbox and open the verification email, click “Verify Email” and “Continue” to log in
Step 6: Select your billing organization
Step 7: Enter your account number and last name, then click in the box to opt in for paperless and select “Locate Bill” and select “Locate Account”
You may pay your utility bill by phone by calling 1-888-312-1657. You will be required to provide your account number.
Email Receipts
You will get a receipt for your online payment emailed to you by Xpress Bill Pay. If for some reason your auto payment is declined, you will also be notified by email. In order to use this service, you must have an email address.
Xpress Bill Pay, the City of Troutdale’s online bill pay web administrator, provides a toll free number to its technical support. If you have any questions or are having difficulty with online bill pay, you can call them between the hours of 7AM to 6PM Mountain Standard Time (MST) 800-766-2350, or contact them by email at [email protected]