
Welcome to Troutdale Recreation!

The Winter 2024 Recreation Guide is now available online and registration begins at noon on December 10. Paper guides will be mailed out the week of August 26. Inside the Recreation Guide you can learn about our current programs and classes and get a quick preview of what's on tap later this year!

          » Browse current programs
          » Download the Recreation Guide
          » Set up a new account or login

Here's a quick look at just a few of the programs we're offering this season:

  • Master Gardening Classes - Learn gardening techniques from the OSU Master Gardeners! This season's topics are Gardening for Bees on February 8 and Gardening with Pacific Northwest Natives on March 1.
  • Rock Climbing - Ages 7-13 and 14+. This four-week program through Rock Haven Climbing Gym in Gresham will teach basic climbing skills and safety as you build endurance and develop your bouldering skills. And don't forget about Rock Haven's Community Climbing Days on the first Monday of every month! Admission is half price, including rental shoes and chalk.
  • Community Walk - Join us on Thursday, March 13 at 2:00 p.m. for a refreshing 2-mile walk through the beautiful and historic McMenamins Edgefield property. Bring your family, friends, and even your furry-leashed companions!  
  • Kinder Programs - movement and dance classes for kids from ages 2 - 9. Programs include Kindertots, Kinderdance, Kids Yoga, and Kindercombo.

You can register for classes and programs on our online registration site.

If this is your first time participating in one of Troutdale's recreation programs, you will need to set up a new account in our registration system. It's quick and easy -- and we have a handy step-by-step guide to help you through the process. If you are interested in signing up for programs through our friends and neighbors at PlayEast, you can use the same account and login information on their registration site. If you have any additional questions, you can always give us a call at 503-674-7206.

Be sure to stay tuned to the website and our Facebook page for more updates!

The Troutdale Recreation Program is a year round recreation program that offers a wide variety of classes and activities for the youth & families in our community. We strive to provide affordable programs that enhance the quality of life, while providing opportunities for involvement and building a foundation for community pride.

The Recreation Guide comes out three times a year: Winter, Spring/Summer and Fall. It is listed available and all residents of Troutdale should receive the guide in the mail. If you do not receive the guide and would like to be on the electronic or paper mailing list, please mollie.king [at] (email us) or call 503-674-7206. If you would like to propose a new program that you would like to lead, please reach out by filling out our new class development form.

Typically, program costs are different for residents of Troutdale and non-residents. You are considered a resident of Troutdale if you receive a water bill from the City of Troutdale or you reside, own property or a business within the city limits of Troutdale.

The Recreation Department offers financial discounts for programs listed in the recreation guide to all Troutdale residents. And if more than one family member signs up for the same program, you can receive a 20 percent discount for each additional person. If you have questions, please contact mollie.king [at] (Recreation Manager Mollie King) or call 503-674-7206.


219 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy.
Troutdale, OR 97060