The City of Troutdale Cleanup Events are offered to community members with the goal to enhance and expand their disposal and reuse/recycling opportunities on a biannual basis.
Click on the categories below to see more details on each event. Please note that hazardous waste is never accepted at any City of Troutdale Cleanup event, but it can be taken to Metro facilities in NW Portland and Oregon City. Metro also offers periodic neighborhood collection events across greater Portland on Saturdays during spring and fall. Here are are some tips on how to get rid of some common hazardous wastes.
Saving personal waste for these cleanup events is great, but remember to reduce and refuse waste when possible. Think about these questions before purchases: Could you borrow or buy it used? Repair something you already own? It takes more money, energy, and resources to make a new item than to buy used (or nothing at all). It's the little choices we make now that can add up to big changes down the road for us all.
If you have questions about any of these recycling opportunities, please call Troutdale’s Environmental Specialist at 503-674-3311.
Troutdale Public Works Building
342 SW 4th Street
Troutdale, OR 97060