Water Division
The Water Division supplies, treats, stores, and distributes an average of 1.6 million gallons of water daily to over 15,000 Troutdale residents and about 200 Troutdale businesses. The water comes from six deep (485-615 feet) wells, is stored in 4 reservoirs (total capacity of 6 million gallons), and is distributed through more than 63 miles of water mains to 4,500 customers.
The City of Troutdale is a member of the Regional Water Providers Consortium. The Consortium provides leadership in the planning, management, stewardship, and resiliency of drinking water in the Portland metropolitan region. Formed in 1997, the Consortium serves the Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington counties and is made up of 22 water providers. Together, these entities provide more than 80 percent of the Portland metropolitan area’s drinking water. By working collaboratively, the Consortium and its members achieve economies of scale implementing regional programs that save customers money.
Streets Division
The Streets Division operates, maintains, and repairs over 40 center-line miles of City streets and coordinates with Multnomah County regarding that jurisdiction's 13 miles of County roadway in Troutdale as well as with the Oregon Department of Transportation regarding that jurisdiction's 5 miles of State highway in Troutdale.
Domestic (potable) water quality, quantity and pressure issues
Connections to City water system
City street maintenance, repair and snow/ice removal
Maintenance of city fleet
If you experience an emergency outside normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm) or on a holiday, call the City's Answering Service at 503-251-4163.